
Thursday, 5 January 2017


As this is a return to a “more consciously” creating being/internetizen, I feel a short explanation is warranted. I have intentionally left the origins of this blog present. They are the small sticks and tinder upon which a *future* **maybe** fire is built. They pretty much suck and are slightly embarrassing. But if you do manage to make it to the end of this blog, their inclusion (or lack of deletion) might make some sense.

You might have noticed that the title of this blog is wholly confusing, but talks of mindfulness (or it’s alter-ego mind-full-ness) and time and space and a journey and australia. Let me attempt to explain a little:
  • Australia is a real thing. For me this part of the title anchors an intangible, omnipresent thing called “the internet” in reality (the real world, life, whatever you want to call that thing that starts when you’re born and ends when you die). Or vice versa.
  • Journey is a metaphor for my cognitive response to “australia”. Or a inane commentary of my experiences….
  • Time and space, surprisingly, hold their widely accepted definitions.
  • And mind-full-ness, is my weird hijack of mindfulness AKA my reflection upon all of the above!
Seems like a really simple and easy to understand blog, yeah? Congratulations if you made it this far. I often think of myself as the guy who is constantly re-writing the dictionary definition of “esoteric” and “meaningless and confusing drivel”.

I have re-connected with the blog for a few reasons. Firstly, I have continued to entertain and generally spend time on the whole concept contained within my blog title. As the years pass and the internet, more specifically social media, grows and develops I am aware of the awkward and unexplored connections between “the internet” and “reality”.
Secondly, my own personal “the internet” use revolves around a few things. Namely: bicycles, MTB, womens cycling, bike racing, coffee, australia, social media. I have constantly noticed the (good AND bad) interaction between these subjects and their real life, real world, you-can-actually-grab-it presence.
Thirdly, I have become increasingly aware of my heavily consumption focussed use of “the internet”. What I think and have to say is of utterly no significance to anyone but myself, but I would like (for a huge number of reasons, a whole blog of them even) to shift my consumption into conscious “content creation” dynamic.
And finally, whether we like it or not, we now exist in what I believe to be an augmented reality world. We exist in reality (or australia) AND in bits and bits of data that we have created/interacted with/deleted over the years. In an attempt to, at least notionally, curate my not-real-life-but-actually-still-attributable-to-me me, I am embarking on more regular blogging. My internet self might one day appear on another website/host and I would like to have a bit more than “likes” “hashtags” and “comments” make up “me”!

So, if you can understand even a small part of the above paragraphs, we can actually continue on a journey together! If you think (really think, not just .5 nanosecond share button click) that someone you know (in real-life, or on the internet) might be interested, maybe you could tell them about it? Even hang out IRL and TALK about it!! If not, I’d love to have some feedback on what might make this blog a bit more accessible to you. There are few people who are excellent at receiving feedback and an even smaller number of excellent feedbackers, but I hope I can be at least better than average! I will endeavour to read all your feedback and at least address it, if only in passing. I will also continue to do what I want to do, so long as it does not degrade,offend,demean or generally shitcan things, ideas, emotions or people. You might not like it, but I probably do, and thats what makes the world great! We can ignore each others annoying shit but both still be AWESOME!

The next blog will, I think, contain things about the #roadnats2017 criterium and my observations of this IRL and on “the internet”.

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